Lately, I've been mostly concerned about finances. Probably like most Americans, I'm sure. I am on what is politely know as a "fixed income". My mine outlays are rent, phone, and health insurance. Even though I am on Medicare for a disability, I still need to get what they call euphemistically an advantage plan. I don't think you can really survive on straight Medicare. Which really begs the question... what is the point? And how do people who are unemployed and whose unemployment reimbursement has expired - how do they survive? And, finally, where are our country's priorities if they are more interested in helping soulless corporations than human beings?
Oh, well, such questions are beyond a single person. To continue, I thought I would share (with whoever actually reads this) some of the items that caught my attention this week. Some I read on-line and some I listened to as I walked my dogs in the morning. All, I expect, demonstrate something about me.
Podcasts I've listened to:
BBC Programme - Click - 06/09/2011
BBC Programme - Beyond Belief - The Three Wise Men
As a non-practicing Mormon, I was fascinated with the idea that the three wise men might be Melchizedek.
BBC - The Today Programme - An end to pain?
Music I listened to:
Song of the Day: Kopecky Family Band - Animal
The Drums – “Money”
Items I've read on-line:
A Rather Befuddled Note From Me To You About September 11 Specials
I read this item wondering if NPR's Linda Holmes felt the same way I did about all this fuss over the anniversary and all the programs. She didn't say it exactly but maybe she was afraid of the backlash, I don't know. Let me go on the record as saying I find all these programs as rather tacky. I can't bring myself to watch any of it. All the sentimentalization and personal stories hit me the same way those "human interest" stories strike me during the Olympics - slightly nauseating. There I said it. If I need to be pilloried, please keep any profanity to yourself.
Where Is Billy? A Giants Fan Goes Missing, And A Team Goes Searching
This story really got my attention. It was moving and mysterious and I really would love an update on the situation. Some baseball fans seem slightly - or significantly - obsessed. But some people become as much a part of the scene as the players. I love the Mariners and when a concession worker passed away recently - he had worked since the start of the franchise - they presented a lovely tribute to him. I really hope they find Billy. The thing with him is that so little is known about him. It's a little sad that it isn't until he's not there that any attention is given to his life away from the ballpark.
Candidate urges Kennewick City Council to take stand on illegal immigration
This guy is at turns frightening, repulsive, and pathetic. What really bothers me is that we have him in our community. I realize we live in a "red" county, but I still was bothered to know that he's here.
Burger King has 'disturbing trend' of serving undercooked meat
Everett Ruess: two new biographies
I love to find new books to read. I especially like stories of real people and real adventures from the past. I had heard about Everett Ruess on an NPR program a few years back, so I think I'll definitely look these two book up: Everett Ruess: His Short Life, Mysterious Death, and Astonishing Afterlife
Finding Everett Ruess: The Life and Unsolved Disappearance of a Legendary Wilderness Explorer
Tacoma Police: Man Asked Permission To Dump Body In Neighbor's Trash Can
Dumb criminal alert!!
Unitasker Wednesday: The Olive Oil Dispenser Pump
I love this website. I look forward to every Wednesday and their crazy items they find. This one isn't as dumb as some of the other ones, though.
Andrea Mitchell: I Have Cancer
Godzilla Cake
I'm a big Godzilla fan, so I had to go see this cake. It's really not so Godzilla-y. Looks more like an iguana or some other lizard. Or maybe that aberration known as the Matthew Broderick Godzilla movie. The real Godzilla stands on two legs!
What I've watched:
Vandal attacks Rome's famous fountains
Don't know what's sadder - that someone would vandalize such a treasure or that people would just walk by and do nothing.
Dog Hates Bath
The look on this dog's face - and the play-by-play - is priceless!
Advocacy I'm supporting:
Our Lives, Our Laws
House Bill Attacks United Nations, Weakens United States
Such behavior frightens me. People need to realize that we need to accept that we are part of a global community, and that has certain responsibilities. Rules aren't just for other countries.