Yesterday was just a terrible day. And today, I am still suffering the consequences. It started when I saw this article in my local paper: Kennewick city councilman wants to start meetings with prayer to Christian God
That was bad enough. The thought that someone I voted for (oh, the shame!), a former journalist, could do something like this. I had to put the paper aside. I was just too angry.
Then it got worse. I ended up having arguments with an anti-vaccine zealot on Google Plus and pro-gun zealot on Facebook. I've even been having on ongoing discussion with a Mormon friend (I'm one, too) about whether or not the LDS Church should be getting involved with Supreme Court decisions (re: gay marriage laws).
Why is this bad? Because it's not healthy. I suffer from a seizure disorder and stress makes things worse. So, I put the paper aside and I tried to get myself away from it. I listened to classical music. I took my book and my dog outside and listened to jazz music. I watched the Mariners (they lost!). I watched AMERICAN HUSTLE and then later the new episode of THE STRAIN.
Still, today, I am suffering. So what should I do? Should I become more involved? Should I be less involved? Unfortunately, I am veering towards less. I feel like I should leave all social media and news behind. I pared back on who I follow on my social media sites, and I am debating whether or not I should stop reading my paper. (We have some serious right wing nut-jobs in my area.)
I am already staying away from my church. I am tired of making excuses for them and trying to find excuses for staying. I am getting so bad that I don't want to expose myself or my brain to things I don't agree with. And that is wrong. That is why the right wing is the way they are because they refuse to expose themselves to things that don't agree with their worldview.
My problem is I need to find a way to deal with this. A way to not let it get to me. Thanks for letting me vent.