Thursday, February 26, 2015

A Soapbox Moment

Okay, I'm going to get on a soapbox and you may be offended. Every time I talk about this I get people all uptight and they decide that I'm being sanctimonious or pushy or that I want them to do what I say. 

Is this about people vaccinating their kids? 


Is this about the war on women? (There is one, you know.)


Is this about the separation of church and state and the fact that the Founding Fathers most certainly did NOT found the United States as a Christian nation?


No, it's about books. More specifically, the books that people say they will positively will NOT read. Now, I get in a lot of trouble when I post about this. If you want to see examples, there are two threads on the Goodreads site, I will refer you to:

The Shining by Stephen King

Ultimate 2015 Reading Challenge

Now, when I was a kid, I was a very picky eater. Many times I would have food put on the plate and say "Ick!"

I didn't want to eat it and would say I hated it. This would really upset my dad - especially if he knew I'd never tried it - so he would give me an extra spoonful. 

So, when I hear someone say that they won't read science fiction or romance or horror or that science fiction, romance, horror, crime/mystery isn't REAL literature, that is the first thing I think of. Obviously, they need an extra helping.

Now, maybe they don't want to be told what to read, maybe they think they must know best...

Maybe they've tried and think they're right. Maybe they've had a bad experience. I can understand that. I had a bad experience with a book written in the first person once and didn't read books in the first person for DECADES afterwards. (Hey, I think I can be forgiven in a murder mystery when the narrator turns out to be the one "whodunit".)

But it just seems some people are just doing it for the same reason I wouldn't eat Brussel Sprouts. However, with one big difference, I didn't eat many vegetables (and bean sprouts) because I didn't think I'd like it.

It seems to me many people won't read science fiction, romance, horror, et al, because they feel they are better than that. That, in some ways, they are low-rent fiction. That they are for entertainment value only. 

Another problem I have is that, yes, you may have had a bad experience with science fiction after reading one or two books. But, do you know how many sub-genres there are? Wikipedia lists 49 different types of science fiction genres:

How about mystery? Westerns? Horror? Romance? 

Can you rule out all of romance because you hated 50 Shades of Grey? (Full disclosure: though I read quite a bit of romance, I refuse to read this because I have a philosophical objection to BDSM.)

Do you have any comments? Are there any books you won't read? Why? Do you rule out entire genres or subgenres? If so, what is your reasoning? 

Do you think I'm unreasonable? Sanctimonious? Is there a better way to get on my soapbox without upsetting people? 

Comment below or reach out to me via social media:





Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Spontaneity = Truth AND JFK and the Israeli Nuclear Program

In my last blog post, Hey! Music in the 80's wasn't that bad! IMHO, I mentioned that many times I listen to blog posts while walking my dog, Misty. I also like to start my day listening to Northwest Public Radio, specifically Morning Edition, The Diane Rehm Show, and On Point with Tom Ashbrook. Today was no different.

I discovered a new book I want to read on Morning Edition in an interview with Sandip Roy ("Family Secrets -- And Mango Chutney -- In 'Don't Let Him Know'"). I got an update on the Iranian nuclear negotiations on The Diane Rehm Show ("Prospects for an Agreement to Limit Iran's Nuclear Program"). And, I had to give up listening to On Point halfway through because the leader of the so-called "Freedom Caucus", Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), was making me have violent ideations ("Political Pressures Weigh on Homeland Security Funding"). 

On my walk, I learned about the composer John Tavener on Composers Datebook from American Public Media; learned about the power of food critics and when a flag should be lowered to half-mast (at least in the British Isles) on the Today Programme from BBC Radio 4; and visited pre-election Greece, the World Economic Forum in Davos, devastating floods in Malawi, Auschwitz on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of its liberation from the Nazis, and South Georgia on From Our Own Correspondent, also from Radio 4.

One of the great things about this habit is it usually gets me thinking about different things. And this morning was no different. One statement that got me thinking was from the Composers Datebook program ("Tavener's "The Whale"") and the second item was from this morning's The Diane Rehm Show that was previously mentioned. 

Let's start with Composers Datebook and Sir John Tavener. Apparently after a near-death experience, Tavener's approach towards composing and his compositions completely changed. One of the statements in the podcast was that "religious tradition held that whatever was spontaneous was true." Now, I don't know if this is true or not, but let's say it was. That's what got me to thinking. 

If religious tradition holds that, it would seem to be antithetical and contradictory to organized religion. After all, how much spontaneity is there in the Catholic Mass or showing up to church every Sunday? Or in praying every Friday in the local Mosque? 

Or, let's take my erstwhile religion as an example, the Mormons.

I joined the Church over 20 years ago and I always had a sense of not being like the others. But I stayed because I believed in the message of the Mormons, more specifically, the message that Joseph Smith brought back from the Sacred Grove

But more recently I have stopped going. Why? Because the current Church seems to be sending the wrong message. They seem to be standing for things and sending out messages that are contradictory to the message of Christ. Could one of the reasons be that once the Mormons became organized - or any religion really - does truth suffer? 

(Please make a comment below or contact me via Twitter, Google+, or Facebook if you have any thoughts!) 

My next thought-provoking comment came from a caller during The Diane Rehm Show. The show was about Iran's nuclear ambitions but the caller was commenting on Israel's nuclear program. He made the comment that the only President to call on Israel about their program was John F. Kennedy and he was assassinated soon after. Hmmm..... Coincidence? Was it just another conspiracy theory? 

Well, not entirely, it seems. John F. Kennedy did send a letter to Prime Minister Ben Gurion of Israel in May of 1963 where he stated: 

"It is because of our preoccupation with this problem that my Government has sought to arrange with you for periodic visits to Dimona. When we spoke together in May 1961 you said that we might make whatever use we wished of the information resulting from the first visit of American scientists to Dimona and that you would agree to further visits by neutrals as well. I had assumed from Mrs. Meir's comment that there would be no problem between us on this.
"We are concerned with the disturbing effects on world stability which would accompany the development of a nuclear weapons capability by Israel. I cannot imagine that the Arabs would refrain from turning to the Soviet Union for assistance if Israel were to develop a nuclear weapons capability--with all the consequences this would hold. But the problem is much larger than its impact on the Middle East. Development of a nuclear weapons capability by Israel would almost certainly lead other larger countries, that have so far refrained from such development, to feel that they must follow suit.
You can find the entire text here.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Hey! Music in the 80's wasn't that bad! IMHO

I like to listen to podcasts when I walk my dog. 

(She'll be 16 at the end of May and still walks 1-2 miles a day!)

This morning I listened to an episode of NPR's terrific All Songs Considered. I discovered this podcast maybe 10 years ago and I love it. It's introduced me to many bands that I love that I maybe would never have heard of because I don't listen to Top 40 radio or pop music much anymore. (I'm mainly a classical music nerd.)

One of the groups I discovered thanks to All Songs is Mumford and Sons, for example. 

The podcast I listened to this morning was called "The '80's: Were They Really That Bad?"

My answer to this question would be "NO!" - but they did an hour of trashing the 80's. Now, I agree that the 80's weren't the best decades for music. The 50's, the 60's the 70's... you can't really compare. On the other hand, post-80s there wasn't much. Grunge, rap, hip-hop, these are reasons I tune my radio either to NPR or to an oldies station. 

Reasons I like the 80's:

One, I graduated in 1984. So, it was the soundtrack to my high school experience. 

Two, it was happy music. You tapped your foot, you could sing along, it just made me happy. 

Hall & Oates, Duran Duran, Quarterflash, I just loved them.

Now, unfortunately, there was also David Lee Roth out there. 

I may not be a music critic like the guys on All Songs, but the music from the 80's makes me happy so who cares?

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Thank you for the shame, Pasco Police Department!

I want to thank the Pasco Police Department for providing me the opportunity to feel shame in my community and my community's law enforcement community. I had never felt ashamed of local law enforcement before this week.

I have been denied the opportunity to serve on Benton County juries twice because I told the attorneys that I would give police officers the benefit of a doubt when they testify.

But, what has happened? The fourth fatal shooting in Pasco in six months! (And that doesn't include recent shootings in Kennewick and Richland this year.) This one, however, was the most shameful. A homeless man, one who had recently lost his job, was shot and killed while running away. A man that was the type of person our "peace" officers should be trying to help was murdered instead.

I notice that Pasco Police cars have the quote "serving our community since 1910" on them:

Too bad the police officers who killed Antonio Zambrano-Montes weren't serving anything but death and fear.

As I said, I want to thank the Pasco Police for showing me that we are no better than Ferguson or New York City. The question is will the Franklin County justice system reach a higher bar? Or will we have another day of shame?

It was even more shameful that we are represented by these officers in the national press. The LA Times, the Chicago Tribune, CNN, Al Jazeera America -- they all reported on this tragedy. Let's hope that when the investigation by Tri-City Special Investigation Unit is complete and the Franklin County Prosecutor makes his final determination that we will not have another reason to be ashamed. That we unlike Staten Island and Ferguson, can hold our police officers accountable.

Man shot by Pasco police identified; protestors picket City Hall

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Wisdom From The Pen Of Margaret Atwood

I've been trying to finally finish up the stupendous MaddAddam trilogy by the even more stupendous Margaret Atwood!

She always has little nuggets of wisdom in her books. Including these two quotes by her character, Adam One:

What is 'belief' but a willingness to suspend the negatives?

He said that if you acted according to a belief, that was the same thing. As having the belief.


The Dangers of the Islamic State (and, really, ANY Theocracies)

This program, "Islamic State" on BBC Radio 4's Report show, had some disturbing (and fascinating) insights into the Islamic State. 

BBC Correspondent Peter Marshall interviewed former (and disillusioned) jihadi Aimen Dean.

One of the most disturbing things was something that came from a childhood friend of Dean's who is now a judge in the Islamic State. They were having a theological/ideological debate and Dean brought up how can all the other Muslims be wrong and you be right? The judge brought up the case of Noah. God destroyed ALL of humanity except for 12 individuals. He was showing us an example. That God shows us the way.

Quite horrifying. I am a believer. I admit that. I believe in God. I don't believe in THAT God. However, this shows us the danger of religion. That it inculcates the belief, the worldview, that we/you/I/they are right and everyone else is wrong -- and expendable. 

It isn't a strictly Muslim/Islamic failing. Don't think that. 

Excellent program!

Islamic State on Radio 4