Tuesday, August 2, 2016

August is Here!

I used to include holidays on some of my discussion threads on Goodreads, but I have had some complaints. So I think I will start a feature here. 

Please add comments if you have any. 

Since it has just recently turned into August, here are some things about August. 

Some songs featuring August in the title:

Van Morrison -- A Cold Wind in August

Freddy Cannon -- June, July and August

Robin Gibb -- August October

Julie London - Time for August

Counting Crows -- August & Everything After

August Birthstone. Three birthstones are available for August birthdays: peridot, sardonyx, and spinel. Peridot. Peridot is said to host magical powers and healing properties to protect against nightmares and to bring the wearer power, influence, and a wonderful year.

Peridot olivine with minor pyroxene, on vesicular basalt

Peridots - finished gems

Raw sardonyx

Finished sardonyx

Raw and finished spinel

The August birth flowers are the gladiolus and the poppy. 

The gladiolus, or ‘sword lily,’ represents remembrance, calm, integrity, and infatuation.
Gladiolus indicates that the heart is being “pierced with love.” 

Gladiolus butterfly & primilus mixed

Some tips on growing:
  • Plant gladiolus bulbs in the spring once danger of frost has passed and the soil has warmed.
  • Gladioli like well-drained, light soil and full sun.
  • Put a 2– to 4–inch layer of mulch around your gladioli to keep your soil moist and help prevent weeds.
  • If you get less than 1 inch of rain a week, water your plants regularly throughout the summer. Otherwise, water them moderately when in growth to keep the soil moist.
A red poppy signifies pleasure; a white poppy is given for consolation; and, a yellow poppy wishes wealth and success.

Some tips on growing poppies:

  • Sow outdoors in the fall or winter. Most poppies require a period of stratification, or a period of exposure to cold, before they will germinate.
  • Your poppy will always need full sunlight and well-drained soil.

Some August Monthly Observances:

Admit You're Happy Month
Family Fun Month
Happiness Happens Month
National Catfish Month
National Crayon Collection Month
National Eye Exam Month
National Golf Month
National Peach Month
National Picnic Month
National Water Quality Month
Romance Awareness Month
Water Quality Month 

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